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Asemota Roberts Osatohanmwen1
1School Of General Studies, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
In Benin Kingdom, African traditional religion predated Christianity. Therefore, culture is a way of life of a particular society connected with its own beliefs and customs. Igue cultural festival is the celebration of an event associated to specific activity of Benin people for a unique traditional presentation and entertainment. In Nigeria, there are harvest of festival celebrations by different ethnic groups and social organizations that share cultural traditions for purpose of sociocultural reawakening through art, music, films movies, dance and literature. This study examines Igue cultural festival, conceptual discourse and significance of the celebration, often a religious one done in days, period of the year, as a special event within the ancestral guidance of Oba of Benin pronouncement. The methodology relies on both primary and secondary sources of its data. The study further show-case Igue festival as spiritual enrichment of cultural heritage of Benin Kingdom promoting sustainable traditional peace and tourism in Edo State.
Published in: Nsibidi:AE-FUNAI Journal of Humanities ( Volume: 2 , Issue: 1 , October 2023)
Page(s): 65 - 80
Date of Publication: October 2023
ISSN Information: 1596-5428